Friday, 8 June 2018

Judges in Utopia in the news: MO Magazine

The Belgian mondial news MO Magazine dedicated a piece on air quality cases. In this context, Laura Burgers is interviewed and the Vidi Project Judges in Utopia is elaborately discussed, including Anna van Duin's research on Article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU.

Anne Adé 'Een rechter heeft geen keuze, hij moet de bevolking beschermen tegen luchtvervuiling' MO Magazine 8 June 2018

Monday, 4 June 2018

Article 47 Charter and Civil Courts: the case of arbitration clauses in consumer contracts

On 20 April 2018 Anna van Duin presented a part of her research at the colloquium 'Citizen's Rights and EU Law', organised by the Cátedra Jean Monnet at the Universitat de Barcelona. Her working paper 'Article 47 EUCFR and Civil Courts: the case of arbitration clauses in consumer contracts (the Netherlands vs Spain)' is now available online: Click here for the full programme and a video registration of the colloquium.